Tess Lee Ack takes on the common assumption that racism among workers drives government policies and shows who actually promotes it.
Tess Lee Ack analyses the phenomenon of Pauline Hanson in the 1990s: her support base, how media promotion boosted her profile, and how she was stopped the last time around.
Tess Lee Ack draws together anecdotes and lessons from her involvement in the founding years of international socialism of 1970s Australia, from which Socialist Alternative was formed in 1995.
Tess Lee Ack surveys contemporary literature that can assist readers to understand the fall of the Berlin Wall and its broader significance.
In an important article later republished as a pamphlet, Tess Lee Ack outlines a Marxist theory of women's oppression and a strategy for liberation
Tess Lee Ack revisits some highlights of militant struggles by teacher unions in Australia.
Tess Lee Ack looks back at the workers’ uprising in June 1953, the first challenge to the Stalinist monolith in Eastern Europe.