Issue -4 — Winter 1991

Editorial (SR Vol 4)

Sandra Bloodworth introduces the contents of the fourth issue of the journal.

Imperialism in the nineties

Diane Fields analyses the new contours of imperialism after the fall of the USSR.

The new Australian militarism

Tom O'Lincoln surveys the history of Australian imperialism, arguing that Australia has independent reasons for maintaining the US alliance, which it uses to dominate and exploit peoples across our region.

The Gulf War, Israel and the Palestinians

In this fascinating piece, Janey Stone surveys the response of Israelis and Palestinians to the first Gulf war, and how it set the scene for the coming Oslo accords.

Vietnam: How we won last time

Anne Picot provides a history of the Australian anti-war movement of the 1960s.

Nationalism and revolution in the Arab world

Sandra Bloodworth critiques the failures of Arab nationalism, putting a case for a socialist strategy for working class self-emancipation in the region.

Australia 1917: From world war to class war

Mick Armstrong looks at the impact of World War I on the class struggle in Australia.

Gulf War: Lessons of the movement

David Glanz summarises the debates in the movement against the first Gulf War.

The Marxist tradition and women's liberation

In an important article later republished as a pamphlet, Tess Lee Ack outlines a Marxist theory of women's oppression and a strategy for liberation