Articles by Jordan Humphreys

Foucault’s 'History of Sexuality': A Marxist engagement

Jordan Humphreys argues that Foucault’s explanation of sexuality under capitalism can be incorporated into a Marxist understanding of sexuality and serve to clarify and enrich it.

The political economy of immigration to Australia

Jordan Humphreys explores the nature of immigration to Australia. By highlighting its importance to ruling class strategies for economic growth he explains how and why the numbers and origins of immigrants have changed over time.

‘Conventional capitalism is dying’: COVID-19, recession and the return of the state

Jordan Humphreys argues that the neoliberal model is history, based on the dramatic policies implemented by governments across the world in response to the health and economic crises triggered by the pandemic.

NTEU Fightback: Rank and file rebellion in a most unlikely union

Diane Fieldes and Jordan Humphreys look at how rank and file higher education workers rebelled against attempts by both university managements and their own union to impose job losses and attacks on their wages and conditions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Capitalism, colonialism and class: A Marxist explanation of Indigenous oppression today

Jordan Humphreys offers a Marxist explanation of Indigenous oppression today.

Aboriginal unionists in the 1890s shearers' strikes: A forgotten history

Jordan Humphreys excavates the history of the early workers' movement and finds substantial evidence for Aboriginal involvement in the famous shearers' strikes and that the AWU made real efforts to support their struggles.

Red and black: How Australian communists fought for Indigenous liberation

Jordan Humphreys uncovers the forgotten history of the early Communist Party's role in the fight for Indigenous rights.

Review: Indigenous people vs “settler” migrants?

Jordan Humphreys reviews a book that critiques privilege theory politics and polemicises against those on the left who counterpose the rights of Indigenous people to those of migrants.

“Beware of the Black Bourgeoisie”: The growing role of Indigenous elites in Australian capitalism

Jordan Humphreys examines the political implications of the recent expansion of the Indigenous middle and capitalist classes.

Palestine and the classless politics of settler colonial theory

Jordan Humphreys builds on his earlier work in critiquing settler colonial theory, this time as applied to arguably its strongest possible case.